The purpose of the vote is to
celebrate Kamloopsians past and present -- to reflect on our rich
history and appreciate contemporary citizens. Details
A) Duration of vote: Voting will officially start
on Labour Day, Monday, September 5 and continue until Thursday, November
18 at which time the winner will be announced at 2 pm at the sale of crafts
from 10,000 Villages,
United Church, 421 St. Paul in Kamloops.
B) Voting: Voting is by paid ballot only. Ballots may be purchased
for one dollar at various retail outlets
in Kamloops and surrounding area. On the ballot, write the name of
the person who you
think is the greatest Kamloopsian. You can choose any Kamloopsian
or group. Deposit your ballot in
the ballot boxes. Ballots will be collected and counted by designated members of the
Council of Canadians. All ballots will be kept for one year.
C) Results of vote: Results will be tabulated and reported weekly at the
Smorgasbord restaurant (225 - 7 Avenue, Kamloops) and on this
D) Who may vote? Anyone may vote, not just Kamloopsians.
E) Who may I vote for? Any Kamloopsian,
living or dead. Also, groups of persons may be nominated. To aid selection, the Council of Canadians has prepared
a list of potential candidates and
biographies. The list will also be available in print at places where
you purchase ballots.
F) Nominations now closed. The Council of
Canadians welcomes your nomination for greatest Kamloopsian until
September 4, 2005, when nominations close. Bring a
biography of no more than 150 words to the Smorgasbord restaurant or
email it to David Charbonneau.
A photo would be appreciated but is not necessary. The Council of
Canadians reserves the right to refuse nominations.
This vote is for entertainment and fund-raising
purposes only. The Council of Canadians does not endorse any candidates
nor any particular outcome of the election.
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