Where to vote
You can vote at the following places.  Ballots are only $1 each.  Simply write the Kamloopsian of your choice on the ballot and leave it in the ballot box.  Ballots will be collected as numbers warrant and tabulated at the Smorgasbord Restaurant and on this website.

Buy your ballots at:

1) Smorgasbord Restaurant (225 - 7 Avenue)

2) Movie Mart (520 Seymour Street)

3) Frattelli Foods (223 Victoria Street)

4) Bookies bookstore (Thompson Rivers University, 900 McGill Road)

5) Desert Gardens (540 Seymour Street)

6) Avalon books (249 Tranquille Road)

7) Legends Bookstore (#22 1415 Hillside Drive)

8) Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy (477 St. Paul Street)

If you know of a merchant that would like to sell ballots, email David Charbonneau.

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