News from 2009


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  March 31 Kamloops Daily News  We need local broadcasters to stay informed

In his column, David Charbonneau says that we should worry about the smaller number of TV broadcasters
across Canada due to the financial downturn, not just the CBC.

"CBC's problems are political, not financial. Governments prefer a state broadcaster that is the mouthpiece of ministers. Viewers want a public broadcaster that is sometimes critical of government. Since governments fund the CBC, not viewers, tension is inevitable and stable funding uncertain."

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  May 11 Kamloops Daily News  Kamloops as test site pitched to TV regulator.

The audience for over-the-air television in Kamloops would increase if viewers had a greater choice in free TV, says Karen Wirsig of the Canadian Media Guild. "Kamloops stands to lose three over-the-air stations but instead it could have six," said Wirsig.

TV broadcasters claim that free TV is not worth the cost of transmitters but more choice could make the market viable.

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  June 9 Kamloops Daily News  Canadians are dropping out and tuning in.

Antennas are springing up across the country as Canadians take advantage of free TV. Yes folks, that's free TV.  Fields of rooftop antennas may evoke past memories but this is not your granny's TV. Over-the-air reception has been made new again by digital TV. Snowy, coarse images have been replaced by cable-quality crisp pictures.

But not in Kamloops. Pity.  Kamloops could have it all: free high quality TV and a choice of six superior channels. The Canadian Media Guild has mapped out a plan for Kamloops' digital stations and the costs are surprisingly affordable. They have pitched a comprehensive plan for Kamloops' new transmitter to the CRTC.

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  July 15 Kamloops This Week  TRU looks at idea of TV station

But discussion not anything near serious yet, says VP Christopher Sequin.  And Karen Wirsig of the Canadian Media Guild estimates that 11 million TV set will go dark if digital transmitters are not launched but Rick Arnish of local TV station CFJC says that's :"totally erroneous,"  despite having said previously that CFJC has no intention on replacing their aging analogue transmitter.

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  July 30 Kamloops Daily News   Most people think loss of TV signals over the air is unfair: poll

A poll of Kamloops reveals that one-third of would abandon Cable and Satellite if they could get 6 channels of free TV over the air.  Since only 6 per cent now receive TV by antenna, that would mean that 5 times more viewers would be pulling the old rabbit ears out of the attic The poll, comissioned by the Canadian Media Guild, is the first of its kind in Canada.

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  September 24 Kamloops Daily News   Two ways to get community TV

One way to develop community TV is to buy the station.  That's what employees of Victoria's oldest TV station did when it was threatened with closure.   Another way is piggyback the community channel to the six-pack of channels that restores CBC TV with enough room left over for a community channel plus four others.

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  November 17 Video presentation to the CRTC    Pam Astbury, president of SOCK

Pam Astbury talks about the future of over-the-air TV in Kamloops.

 A better quality video can be found at the CPAC website  but it requires a bit of work.  Click the next button on the player 3 times which will take you to the 4th section.  Slide the position bar to 55 miniutes where Pam's presentation starts.




November 18  Kamloops Daily News   Protect, restore Canadian content, local rep tells the CRTC

Amid the barrage of broadcast, cable and satellite heavyweights appearing before the CRTC as it ponders the future of Canadian TV, a sole grassroots voice gained a measure of applause Tuesday.

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  December 3  Kamloops Daily News   The future of TV is in your hometown

Digital multiplexing will improve the quality and choice of free over-the-air TV but broadcasting must also return to its roots. Before TV was corporatized, the station was the heart of a community. Loyal viewers watched local TV because they saw themselves and their communities reflected in the programming - - something they would never see on big networks.

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