Dear Friend:
House of Commons Heritage Committee is planning a crucial investigation of
CBC's mandate starting in February.
I am concerned that Stephen Harper's Conservative government may be planning to knock this CBC mandate review off the agenda, and I am writing to ask for your help to prevent this from happening.
Please send a message asking your Member of Parliament to help ensure that the Heritage Committee is allowed to do its important work.
The Harper government can easily frustrate the Heritage Committee's plans. We know that Harper has a hidden agenda for CBC. That's why I expect the Conservatives will attempt to derail the CBC mandate review by denying the Committee the chance to travel around the country to hear from Canadians like you, by loading its agenda with other business or similar "red-tape" obstructions.
Your message will send a signal to the government that it cannot tamper with the Heritage Committee's plans. Thousands of messages from people like you and me may convince the government to back off.
The Action Centre on FRIENDS' website is ready to direct your message to the politicians that matter most on the CBC file.
Unlike previous occasions, we have not drafted a suggested "form" letter to send. Rather, we encourage you to draft your own, personal message, calling on your Member of Parliament to help ensure that this CBC mandate review proceeds. Because of the special and unique relationship each Canadian has with the CBC, we are convinced that your personal message will be far more powerful than any form letter.
When writing to your MP, please consider including in your own words:
Please take a moment to do this right now. Simply click on the link below and send your message. It could make all the difference!
Yours sincerely,
Ian Morrison
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting
P.S. Please feel free to forward this message to your friends and family.