Open Media
Presentation to the CRTC on April 29, 2010. To get to
the presentation, you will have to
click on the next button
under the video which will move to the second session. Otherwise
you will end up watching the whole first session.
Then move the slider to 3/5 of the way, as shown below,
where Steve Anderson will begin speaking.

Steve tells the CRTC that money collected by cable companies
does not belong to them and the $116 million is public money
designated for community access. That's why Open Media
supports the CACTUS model.
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Michael Lithgow adds that the CACTUS model
creates opportunity for public to access TV studios with
proper lighting and sound, control rooms and attractive
sets. It provides mentorship training to produce
quality TV. To suggest a low-quality video posted on YouTube
is comparable is to saying that CTV or CBC productions are
also comparable.

David Skinner now teaches in Department of
Communications Studies, York University. When he
taught at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops he
witnessed how Shaw cable was withdrawing from access for
citizens to gain experience in TV production. The web
is not a substitute for training, access to studios and
equipment. Web media is unadvertised, unorganized,