December 9, 2010
Missed World Toilet Day? Don't worry, not much happened here in Canada. In
Hamilton, retired teacher John Smith held a hosted a "potty party" to raise
money for pit toilets in Kenya.
It's the day toilets came out of the water closet. Euphemisms such as restroom,
loo, biffy, crapper, and john were set aside. Scatological humor was shunned and
embarrassing bodily functions were discussed. There was frank talk of toilets.
Let's call a spade a spade. Let's call a spade the simplest toilet tool. Just
dig a hole and bury the deposit. It's an improvement over the practice of
one-third of the world's population. The standard procedure for 2.6 billion
people is open defecation: wait for the cover of darkness and set off into the
field; dump the foul contents of their household bucket in an open drain when no
one is looking; squat on a plastic bag and throw the contents in the local dump
(an improvement over the practice of some dog owners in Kamloops who leave bags
of dog crap alongside the trail).
The money that John Smith raised on World Toilet Day went towards the
construction of 66 latrines in Kenya. They're simple toilets made of cinder
blocks with locking doors and fly-screened windows; the kind of thing commonly
called an outhouse. While Canadians may turn up their noses at the primitive
structures, they're life-altering in Kenya where school attendance has
dramatically improved. Faced with no toilets at schools, girls would walk home
to relieve themselves. With no privacy during their menstrual periods, they
never went to school at all. "We didn't realize sanitation was such a huge world
issue until we got into it," says Smith.
It's degrading for women who have no access to toilets. While men can relief
themselves against a wall, women are either humiliated by squatting in public or
risk sexual assault by seeking isolation. Rather than face embarrassment or risk
assault, girls and women are forced to limit amount of water they drink with the
possible hazards of dehydration, kidney damage, and infection that results from
reduced urine flow.
Let's speak the plain truth about "water related" diseases like the cholera
epidemic now spreading through Haiti. The problem is not water but the lack of
toilets. Cholera-laden feces are fouling the water in open sewers and finding
its way into the food chain.
The problem is not isolated to Haiti. The lack of toilets leads to diarrhea
which is the leading cause of death in children worldwide. Diarrhea kills an
estimated 5,000 a day; more than AIDS, TB and Malaria combined. It's a major
cause of malnutrition. Weakened victims are more susceptible to other diseases
such as pneumonia. One-quarter of all pneumonia deaths in children are linked
with diarrhea.
Lack of toilets is not just a matter of life and death; economies of developing
countries are also affected. The World Bank estimates that lack of sanitation
costs as much as nine per cent of their gross domestic product which stifles
struggling economies and suppresses growth that could lift millions out of
poverty. For every dollar spent on sanitation, eight dollars of increased
productivity and reduced health care costs could be realized.
World Toilet Day presents challenges to developed countries as well. In Canada,
it's a matter of equity or "potty parity." For decades, women have complained
about the lack equal access to toilets. The problem is obvious when you go to a
big event in the Interior Saving Centre. Men breeze in and out of the toilet
while women queue forever.
While toilets for both sexes have equal floor space, it's obvious that you can
put more urinals in the same space as a toilet cubical. The problem is
compounded by the fact that women take twice as long. So for parity to exist,
twice as many toilets would have to be built as for men and the floor space for
women would be about four times as large.
Then there is the problem of gender equity. Transgendered people face harassment
and ridicule when they visit the toilet appropriate to their gender but opposite
to their perceived sex. Onlookers are aghast and offended when apparent men or
women visit the wrong toilet. One solution is unisex toilets so that the wait
would be equal for men and women and everyone in-between.
World Toilet Day is gone but the issues remain.
David Charbonneau is the owner of Trio Technical.
He can be reached at