by David Charbonneau
Private power projects a failed experiment
May 13, 2010 The B.C. Liberals' plan to develop Site C is an admission that their
privatization plans are not working. |
Failure of the government's plan
has forced the opposite: a large publicly-owned hydro dam far from the
cities it will serve. To carry the electricity over long distances, new
transmission lines will need to be built by, guess who, BC Hydro. The cost
of this huge project will be carried by taxpayers. Private generators do have a role to plan in B.C.'s future. City dwellers could sell surplus electricity from roof-top solar cells or from the batteries of plugged-in electric cars to BC Hydro. Wind farmers and environmentally designed run-of-river projects could do the same. A cottage industry of electricity generators has a place in our energy needs but major private projects are limited when it comes to raising capital, especially when returns on investments are decades away. Only governments can finance the billions of dollars required for massive storage projects like dams. Campbell's Liberals could have saved us a lot of time and money by letting BC Hydro do the work in the first place. It's now dawning on his government that public utilities are not only an efficient venture; they are a source of money to run government. And to keep the money flowing into government, our hydro bills will be going up nine per cent. Does this sound like a tax to you? If we pay more for hydro and that money goes into government, it's hard to call it anything else. Don't get me wrong; taxes are necessary to operate the kind of place we want to live in but it's disingenuous for the government to pretend that it's lowering taxes when hydro bills are rising, health care premiums are increasing, carbon is being taxed, profits are being skimmed off ICBC, ferry rates are up and the HST is being implemented. As well, it was disingenuous for the Liberals to claim that IPPs were needed to meet our energy needs when we are not short of energy at all. Shortage was used as an excuse for the Liberal's failed ideological experiment. Regrettably, it will take more than this sudden reversal to restore the luster to the jewel in the crown. David Charbonneau is the owner of Trio Technical. He can be reached at dcharbonneau13@shaw.ca |