by David Charbonneau
Suspicions of government, conspiracy beliefs have firm root
March 14, 2000 Kamloops Daily News They came to Kamloops like some strange characters from an episode of X-Files. There was Eldon Warman, who considers himself a foreign citizen of Anglo Saxon common law under the Magna Carta. As an alien (who lives in Alberta), he feels that the Canadian judicial system doesn't apply to him. Then there were his cast of supporters from the Patriots on Guard, a group with ties to other anti-government groups. His supporters said that it wasn't them who phoned in the bomb threat that emptied the courthouse while Warman's assault trial was taking place. A Patriot on Guard, who only wanted to be identified as Ron, said that the bomb threat probably came from the R.C.M.P. who wanted to portray them as radicals. I don't think it requires a conspiracy by the R.C.M.P. to do that. Warman and the Patriots on Guard do a good job of making themselves seem radical, yet their message is surprisingly familiar. Warman's account of what happened is on the group's web site. In it, he says that the B.C. government is running an Al Capone protection racket. Highwaymen (peace officers) lay in wait for unsuspecting foreigners, like him, with his busload of 25 Taiwanese tourists. "The [Kamloops] judge, a pleasant man, or a smooth con artist (yet to be decided), vehemently denied that the court was in admiralty jurisdiction", Warman continues, ... "We MUST move rapidly to curtail this encroachment by government upon the Common Law RIGHTS of the Canadian People. I would hope this can be accomplished by peaceable and sane methods, and before mob retribution extracts a blood bath of revenge upon those responsible for this wholesale theft of our basic and inalienable rights - RIGHTS which have been won for us by the sacrificial blood of our ancestors." The reason all this seems familiar is because we have heard it all before through popular media and entertainment. Movies and television (mostly American) regularly portray conspiring governments with groups of citizens preparing to defend themselves. The F.B.I. connives to hide alien invasions and officials in high office participate in assassinations and evil machinations. Suspicion of government and beliefs in conspiracies have their roots in the American psyche, according to Professor Robert Goldberg. In his recent comments on CBC radio, he outlined how the seeds of suspicion in government were planted by the John Birch Society in the 1960s. Since then, those seeds have taken root in North American culture. The result has been the growth of patriotism, individualism, quasi-religion, and armed citizenry. These organizations have been eating away at public confidence in government. The members of the John Birch Society were not just some mind addled group from the fringe, but well educated members of the upper and middle class who were convinced that the Illuminati were conspiring to take over the world. The Illuminati were founded in Germany, in 1776, by professor Adam Weishaupt. They have long since been officially disbanded but their legendary power lives on. Professor Goldberg, from the University of Utah, has traced the route of ideas of the John Birch Society into modern culture. Ideas that were once considered fanatical and right-wing now seem familiar. He told me that it is not the conspiracy core -- those who live in their own world, a closed circle of confirming argument and information -- that he is worried about. Rather, Goldberg's concern is with mainstream institutions, such as movies and TV, who have popularized conspiracy theories. In doing so, they have promoted the decline of confidence in government. These are the calculated and systematic efforts of talented people. They cannot simply be dismissed as paranoid, weird, or sick. Democracy is under attack from within and from the outside. The World Trade Organization wants to replace government. Big business wants to reduce government regulations that protect the environment and food supply. Government is the democratic expression of our collective will. It may not be perfect but it beats the alternative -- rule by greed and fear. "Democracy is the worst form of government," said Winston Churchill, "just better than all the others." I agree with Warman that ordinary citizens are threatened, but from a government weakened by trade agreements and from lack of democratic participation, not from a government that is too strong.go back to my Columns in the